Bedroom Furniture – Time to Buy a Nightstand Furniture? Read On

When you are selecting bedroom furniture, like most people, your nightstand furniture is not foremost in your mind. Usually, in fact, no thought is given to it at all. It just comes with your bedroom suite and you make do with what you are given. Look at what’s available online and you will see that these furnishings deserve much more attention.

The average nightstand is a fairly boring looking piece of furniture. It has a single drawer on top with a fixed shelf underneath that serves no purpose other than to hold the table together and collect dust. They are of a standard height – just high enough for a reading lamp.

Why should you settle for such an inferior piece of furniture when you can make your bedside tables a beautiful and functional addition to your room? Just because they do come in standard sizes doesn’t mean that you have to buy them in standard sizes. Why not get something that’s large enough for more than a single bedside lamp and an alarm clock? Even if you opt for the standard sized nightstand, you need not settle for design you don’t like or that is just “okay.” There are so many to choose from, you can easily find a pair that you absolutely love.

Two large night stands with several drawers have almost as much storage space as a chest of drawers. If your drawers are sagging from all the weight of the clothes you’ve packed into them, why not get a pair of these and store your bed clothes and underwear in them? You will find that it will remove much of the clutter from your drawers and makes finding things much easier.

Are you a music lover? Think about getting a nightstand that is made for your CD player and CD collection. These mini stereo cabinets have everything you need to make it a breeze to find and listen to your favorite music. There’s nothing better than listening to music in bed while relaxing with a book. With one speaker on one side of the bed and the other speaker on the other side, you get the perfect balance for listening to your favorite music.

Don’t limit yourself to standard sizes when you’re looking for bedside furniture. There is nothing that says you can’t get oversized tables if space allows. If the floor space is limited, don’t limit yourself to standard heights. Get tall narrow cabinets. There are some stunning pieces available that have been handcrafted and copied from antiques. A pair of tall bedside tables like these can hold dozens of books for easy access from your bed.

To break up all the rectangular lines in your bedroom, consider getting round bedside tables. There are dozens of styles to choose from. You can get modern metallic and glass tables or Danish-style veneer cabinets in a variety of wood veneer finishes.

Don’t leave your nightstand furniture as an after thought – give it extra thought. Your choice of night stand furnishings will prove the old adage that, “it’s the little things that count” in interior design.

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