Organic Gardening Compost – Things You Need

Gardening is one of those hobbies which gives considerable joy, and at the same time provides light exercise, besides giving one the joy of having homegrown produce. Today, organic foods have become increasingly popular, and fruits and vegetables grown with organic gardening compost,are becoming more sought after.

Gardening, using any soil improver allows plants to grow well. Making and using home made fertilizer, is useful in removing a considerable amount of waste which accumulates in the garden. Normally fallen tree leaves and plant parts are burnt, but with the system of composting you avoid pollution and have a ready-to-use clean nutritious soil improver.

Compost is normally best made in a pit which can be dug in some corner of the garden. The size of the pit can vary and really depends on the quantity of waste that will be generated. Normally a 2 feet X 2 feet size pit with a depth of two to three feet should suffice. This will be easily manageable both for putting in the material, as well as when taking it out later as fertilizer.

Use of a garden bin of an appropriate size can also be resorted to, in case making an earth pit is not feasible. These bins can be bought off the market shelf, and are a more modern way of compost making. Many gardeners use a series of bins so that whilst the first bin is left to compost, the second bin can be filled. Depending on the size of the garden and the amount of waste to be handled, the number of bins can be increased.

In the olden days, organic gardening compost was made by simply putting it in the earth pit and covering it with some earth, ensuring that there was sufficient moisture. This allowed for better, purer organic compost. Nowadays, more modern and sophisticated methods are used, where the garden waste is separated and treated separately. Bio-degrading agents are commonly used to speed up the process. However, if you need to just get on with the job, the simple old fashioned way of making organic gardening compost is still the best.

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